Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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12 entries this month

22:31 Sep 28 2014
Times Read: 715

In Lexington hospital with Mom. While nothing life threating will be happy when her pain gone and back home. Hoping for Tuesday.




21:10 Sep 24 2014
Times Read: 738

Have had a good birthday. Job went well, did as promised and on the nose with the labor charge.

Came home to my sister buying me a very nice lunch of Chinese food. Now home to do laundry/ housework.

Last night went over to Cat's/ Nightgame. Her sister is one day older then me. Months ago they had given me some great Kitchen Aid mixing bowls that I love, use often.

Last night the kids gave me a makeup brush set, that looks so nice. Each brush has it's own place, and it rolls up in a nice bundle. :)

Came online to find several Happy Birthday wishes from friends here on VR. :) Thanks for all those.

Good day to turn 48. :)




01:34 Sep 23 2014
Times Read: 746

Grrr... way too many shows to watch tonight. And I can only record two at a time.

Dang it.





23:02 Sep 19 2014
Times Read: 768

Lot's of new TV shows this Fall that I want to watch. The normal loves like Big Bang, Sleepy Hallow, The Walking Dead, Supernatural.

But lots of new ones too.

Like the one I am watching right now- half way in I know it is going to be one more for the "I love that show!".

The Mysteries of Laura.

Of course I have always loved the main actress, since the Will and Grace days.

Just a funny show- not many of those around these days.

Ghost Asylum is another one I am liking a lot. More the the 'local' places they are filming at then anything else. The first show- I was like "HA! Been there, done that! Took Photos of the old hospital. Yeah me!" :) I know of two other places they are going to 'explore' that I did myself. Ok ok... one I got a police escort out of town but still... I was in the building for a few minutes.

And will be going back! As soon as I can get Cat to plan a night away, as it is 4 hour trip to and I have to sneak into the building and wait for the sunrise to do my photos. Is it bad to stay in the night at a hotel in the same town you are breaking the law in ? Hmmm..

Anyway. The Mysteries of Laura is two thumbs up from me. :)



01:11 Sep 20 2014

That was a lovely hotel right there on the river across from the hospital so hmmm!!!!

01:45 Sep 20 2014

I watched it too, some was funny and then some of it I just didn't like. I'll give it another chance before I decide :)

I'm excited to watch Madam Secretary, it looks really good.

13:53 Sep 20 2014

Yes Pan, it does. On my list to watch as well. Also Forever, How to Get Away with Murder, Selfie, Stalker, Gotham, and Scorpion.

OHYEAH! Hotel/ hospital here we come.


22:22 Sep 19 2014
Times Read: 769

Busy day, even with no work on the books. Trailer repair, roof repair on rental home.

Mom given a bath in a portable shower, in and out of bed into her wheelchair. Takes about 2 hours to do this.

But the ending was the best. Strawberry slush drink from Sonic with some nice rum.


I am ready for a nap myself. lol




00:41 Sep 18 2014
Times Read: 775

Long day. Did some things at Mom's for my sister, then home to do my own housework/ laundry/ dishes. Got my feet up now tho, as I work on the last two loads of laundry.

I have really been missing Dad these last few weeks. The day he died I was putting up my Fall decorations at home. I dug out the same decorations this week and put some up at Mom's home. I put the rest in my kitchen, not really up to the doing it as it just hits home that Dad died last Saturday. A day I spent away from others as I just wanted to be alone.

I spent about half a hour putting out the Fall decorations, thinking of him. Missing him. While it is my favorite time of year, it has now also the saddest. My Aunt was killed in Aug, Dad in Sept.

That and today I had to make plans to do a repair on a truck. I miss him in many ways- like someone to fix the trucks, at least know what it would take to do it. Fuel injector, O rings, truck not starting because it acts like it isn't getting fuel. Just so much I am over my head on.

Seems to be that a lot of late. Just ready for some snow, some slower days to catch up on billing and paperwork. Got a remodel waiting for me to start on a rental, the bathroom. Total redo.

Just a lot on the plate that seems to never gets done.




14:54 Sep 16 2014
Times Read: 789

Hitting it hard this morning. Yesterday was a cluster fuck as first thing I trip on my back porch step, hurting my ankle. Then the driver didn't show so drove the truck the 100 mile trip, one way. Oh, let's not forget while fueling the hose came apart in my hand.


Then home to do some running sister needed done, three stores, three drive in for meds/ cigs for brother, bank.

Went home last night and put my foot up with ice. And another icebag for my knee as it hates the truck's clutch. It has to go to the floor, which is fine. But when the seat is built for a man and I am 5'3, it takes a lot of pressure to my knee to push it all the way down.

Driver? He never got my text about work, but came today when I hunted him down yesterday afternoon to see if he was going to work.

Good thing as I have two folks on me about things I promised to have done by Monday that didn't get there.

Thus the "Hitting it hard" My To Do list more then half way done. :)




23:43 Sep 14 2014
Times Read: 808

Spent the afternoon with the niece *not by blood- just life long friendship with the family* as she was having photos taken for her senior year.

Seems they do pages now, collection of photos instead of the single photo years ago when I was a high school senior.

Anyway- did her makeup, she looked so lovely.

So the lady who took the photos spent two hours, four different locations, with at least 40 different poses.

It really brought home a few facts for me-

1- Amanda is a lovely young woman

2- I really am glad I stayed out of 'people' photos.

3- That lady did a freaking great job! She climbed rocks at the waterfall, stairs, got on her belly, knees. She ROCKED at the photos and getting the looks she wanted.

Can't wait to see the photos and got a whole new respect to those who take those kind of photos. Pure talent to get a good image.



02:16 Sep 15 2014

I like the pictures you take and you're great at them! It's just a different type of artistry.

02:22 Sep 15 2014

I'd love to see some of them...and more of your work as well!


01:06 Sep 14 2014
Times Read: 821

I don't think it even got into the 70's today. :) I took the family lunch about 1:00 pm and it was 68, cloudy. Loved it!


Today they had homemade chicken and dumplings, stuffing, devil eggs and peach cobbler with little cups of vanilla ice cream. Started cooking about 9:00 am, making the cornbread for the stuffing. Made enough that I hope they don't have to cook this weekend.

Other then cooking, then cleaning up the mess afterwards, really have been a peaceful day. Did a few things like .. polish my nail black, put up my fall wreath, watching some Ghost Adventures shows. As the candle of pumpkin spice is burning. :) And it is just now dark outside.

Got to love Fall.

Oh- and I even played with some makeup. I watched the TV show The Quest. Yes, reality shows are not my favorite but I really liked the makeup looks of the monsters/ demon/ etc. on the show, enough it had me sitting down at my makeup area for the first time in a long while. Since I am not doing the Halloween Haunted House makeup this year- I expect I will be doing more of these. :) That burn out is slowly going away.

Might go to bed early, laying and reading the newest Eve Dallas books sounds like a perfect ending to the day.



05:41 Sep 14 2014

I always love your make-up looks.

As for the weather...you can have my hot weather anytime. I HATE it! Ugh!

02:15 Sep 15 2014

You're a good daughter/sister :)


17:53 Sep 10 2014
Times Read: 840

The man who helps do the maintance on the rentals, and the mowing on the warehouse has a intresting 'day' job. Well...night job really. He stays in a home with several handicap men. Mental issues, like my brother.

Why he works the few day hours I need him a week, and he and his wife does the mowing on his day off.

Yes- they stay busy. :) He use to work in the Moving company for years, then moved on. His dad was a painter, so he learned that skill, and he is able to do most of small repairs about here. You know- the folks who call and say the toilet seat is broken kind of thing. While he does paint, and use to work for a window/ door company so he can replace those easy enough, he does step back when it is above his skill set.

So he has had some bad news of late. Last week his dad was told he had lung cancer, stage 4. He smokes 4 packs a day *I can't wrap my ming around that... my brother does one pack a day but we watch him like a hawk to keep it at that*.

His Dad is expected, with treatment, to last just shy of a year. Dr. are telling him this, mind you.

So... bad news. His dad is a lovely man. Hard on his son, but still a nice enough guy who loves to joke around.

I tell you this because today he came into the office with 5 other men. Seems on his day off he had to work, making up the time he lost last week with his Dad's office/ medical visits he went with him to. I had told him I could get someone else to mow, thinking this might be the last mow of the year, but he said nope. So he brings in the wife' car, his pickup/ trailer and leaves his wife to start the mowing *she does the riding part* and he was going to be back about 5:00 pm to start on the weed eating, will finish it the next day.

The other men? They are the 'men I work with" so I knew they was his boys. I sat with them, gave out water and the cookies I had hidden, and we talked for about half a hour before he said he had to get going. They all stood, returning the chairs to their place with his aid, reached their hands out for a shake, and told me how nice my place was, good to meet me, as nice as can be. He herded them into the car, and off they went.

He always had told me he was careful where he took the boys to, some places didn't like having them. But he also knew me growing up around my brother, I would never stop them from coming in to say hello. People who judge folks on a disability they are born with- piss me off. yes, parents and others can help them, teach them. My brother meets a stranger, you will not get three words out of him unless you talk about fishing, motorbilkes, cars. Those are his things.

My brother is 60 years old, lives in a fantasy of being in the military, a policeman, security guard, etc. He really believes his fantasy, and we don't fight it. He did not complete school as back in those days they did not have aids/ special classes. It was locking him up in a medical type place or raise him on your own.

So shout outs to my parents for doing the best they could.

And shout out to my maintance man, who takes on helping these folks, helping them live as normal a life as they can.

And to Cat and her sister as they try and teach 'little man' how to be in life.

It is hard enough in life without the added weight of an disability. Having folks dislike you without even 'seeing' you past it, is a shame on them.



03:50 Sep 11 2014

Well said my Rattie!

13:53 Sep 11 2014

Bless you sugar, for you "get it" so many never look past the surface. Sounds like this guy is right were he needs to be at too, though I'm sorry about his Dad.


15:30 Sep 09 2014
Times Read: 861

Another DOT medical exam done. :)

Not only that but since my blood pressure med's hasn't been changed in over ten years, I got a two year card. :D

Go me!



22:17 Sep 09 2014

Well that sounds like it's good news. Take care :)


17:57 Sep 03 2014
Times Read: 897

Well this is new....

Rental called Monday, Labor Day, and told my sister she had a leak in one of the two bedrooms,ceiling is wet. So Tuesday I called about for a roofer. She is in a single wide trailer we rent out, been there for 8 months now. She tells me if something is wrong with the place, like a water leak under her kitchen sink, heater had issues this last winter. She keeps it spotless and clean, seemed like a good rental.

So I spent Tuesday calling a few folks. My roofer isn't into metal, singles is all he deals with. I called the man who puts on new metal roofs- doesn't do repairs. I called my general contractor and he is off work due to back injury, might can look at it in a few weeks.

Hmmm... called a trailer supply company I buy parts from, as in my mind I was looking at a coating put on the roof, maybe a little work on the ceiling after the leak was fixed. They told me of a man whom I had heard of,so I called and he went out and looked late yesterday. The lady wasn't home, she was at work.But he looked at the general area I told him the bedroom was, which is at one end of the trailer, and he said he couldn't see any holes but then it started raining on him so we set up a 8:30am meet-up to go into the trailer and see what the issue was.

Thinking it might not be a bad thing to put a metal roof on it, it is an older trailer that has been remodel.... so I kind of prep myself up for this price/repair. I got to the trailer before he did and the lady answer the door. She leads me to the bedroom- which is right off the bathroom/ laurndy room.

She has to push againt the door to get it open, water is leaking from the door frame top. The room... mold every where. The ceiling is damaged, but the walls, closet, OH MY GOD! Really??? "So you never notice this?!" "I don't come in this room- I only keep this spare bed in here for company. My son came Sunday for a visit- why I found it ithen." O-0

Four hours later---

Carpet is order

Metal roof is purchased, to be put on in the morning as we wait for the insurance company to visit.

The WATER LEAK from the hot waterheater is fixed, that was in the closet of the room.

The insurance company is called, and I get the "So it was empty and a leak happen?" "What do you mean- she lived there and let it happen?" "Did she not notice it, the stink?"" This is hard to believe,Mrs. XXXX" Really, no shit asshole.

So now I have a $4,000.00 damage room. 11 by 13 size. New floor in spots, new padding, carpet, insultation, new drywall, new ceiling, and new doors for closet and room. Only thing I can save is the light fixture in the room, knobs from the doors, and the one vent for the A/C. Oh- and the window. Rest has to be yanked out, burned.


So the question is- and I am sure the insurance company is gearing toward this too- are they going to pay it? Really is it Lady who should pay this, I think.

Did I tell ya about the "I meant to talk to you- I am moving.I just can't stand that smell and my son said I needed to move out ASAP. That mold,,, *cough cough* ... is killing me. So I should be released from my year lease because of this."

REALLY??????????!!!!!!!!!!! No you should have to pay for the damage because you let it go on so long... I swear I was ready to slap the bleach out of her hair. *Counting to ten* "Well if you had told me we had a issue instead of leaving the room closed up for over a month and half as you said it had been that long since you been in there.... I could of had this fixed." "Oh- but now it is so bad, and you are saying at least a week to fix it. I can't stay.." "Fine- I will take this as you 30 day notice. You pay Sept. rent and move." "Oh.. Ok.. so I get my damage depost back, right?"


Somedays I want to kill people.

(Read that in a creepy voice, it is how I am saying it)

So- here is the photos of this 'ceiling damage'.

The door to bedroom, bath on the left, washer/dryer on right. Note the towel on the floor. When I asked she said "The storm last night - water started dripping just last night here at the door." --.-- Bullshit... but whatever.

 photo DSC_0020_zps2a194811.jpg

The closet-

 photo DSC_0028_zpsa395e7b6.jpg

The walls are bolding, pulling loose fromt he 2/4 studs. The room reeks of mold,carpet is wet. I waiting for the insurance man to come out, but from the phone call I don't think they believe me, will refuse the claim.

Which I don't think is right. I mean- if she had told me, I would of fix the water heater leak. She didn't, I don't live there so..... Grrrr. Just sucks. I mean- insurance should pay the claim, then let them sue her. Right?

Just never had a rental, living in the unit, let it ruin like this. I have had one get married, left her stuff in a rental and used it more or less for storage for a year, and leave me with a water leak damage on a roof, but even that wasn't this bad. That one I can understand- this lady.... *sigh*

And this is Mom's rental so that means no income off it for a while as I pay the bills.The roof is going to cost $800.00 for the metal, wood, screws. Then about $300.00 for the labor. And that isn't touching the mold room.



19:58 Sep 03 2014

Check your lease. Ours from the internet clearly states they are responsible for damage due to their neglect to report it. Plus they are responsible for 90 days of rent if unit is not rentable or rented with less than proper notice.

If you don't have those clauses, you need to add them (provided your state allows for them).

23:23 Sep 03 2014

Oh my GAWD! That HAS to put her in violation of her lease. There should be something in there about failing to report issues that then result in damage to the structure of the building. Why wouldn't she say something? That just boggles my mind.

It's not like your landlord is going to fine you for a roof leak, unless you're having some insane shotgun party inside the room. (Maybe she tried to shoot a spider?)

I don't know what your lease looks like but I'd definitely be sure there is something in there about making a leasee (is that a word?) responsible for building neglect while they are under contract.

22:28 Sep 09 2014

She is clearly responsible for the damage as its unreasonable for her to have 'not' noticed theefore this. What does she think you have 'stupid' engraved in your forehead? Keep the money, that's what deposits are for.

01:58 Sep 11 2014

As someone who has severe mold allergies... This freaked me out.

In every single rental I have lived in, if neglect from a preventable issue by the tenant is present it is the tenant's responsibility to either pay for the rent until it is capable of habitation, pay for the damages occurred and the labor, or both.

I would take a gander at that lease and if you don't have those clauses in there, add them ASAP. It'll save you a lot of head aches in the future.

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